Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Zune 80

Got myself a new Zune around Christmas. its been working well so far. I really like it compared to my iPod experience. The new Squircle is kind of sexy. Not to mention the contrast I get with the screen. Its been almost a year since I've been without a music device of any kind and I forgot how much I missed listening to my music. Now that I'm with this device, I can't imagine being anyplace without it. Heard about the XNA games that might be coming to the Zune as well. That sounds like a very good idea but I guess it will have to depend on the pricing structure. Can't they just combine all the variuos market places into one big store.
For now I am just glad to be with my music 24x7. And I can do this without being just another iPod Zombie. Long story short but I am standing on one of the busiest street corners of Manhattan when I notice everyone around me wearing white headphones. It was like being in the midst of an insect hive, where everyone was the same. I want to at least pretend to be different. The idea that maybe I'm not just another face in the crowd, not another tech savvy elite with white headphones defining me.

Macbook Air

Damn you Jobs, Damn you to heck. Why do you want my money so very very badly.
This thing looks disgustingly sexy. Widescreen LED display, 802.11n, backlit keyboard, SSD option. One word summary "Sweet". Those that need details can always check out the Apple's website.
Of course after the initial fervor wears off, you realize that Jobs just pulled a fast one on you.
It has an integrated battery that you can't swap out. Only one USB and no Firewire. You are confined to only the built-in microphone. And Mini-DVI so you have to carry around an adapter if you want to connect it to a real monitor. Also only an 80GB option and no Optical Drive, or the option to carry around an external one. Add to that that this is a first gen apple product and there are bound to be issues. Issues that Apple will keep denying and the forums will keep being censored until the issues just disappear.

Now if someone could get Ubuntu running on it, I might consider buying. Until then, it is a good Prototype. I would like to see what the industry does with it.

Dreaming in Numbers

Do you ever have puzzling dreams that you don't want to have. That's what last night was like. I kept dreaming about the number 650 and trying to divide it up into packets with the maximum possible size of a packet not to be greater than 6. I kept waking up and telling myself to stop dreaming about that. I kept telling myself to dream about anything else; planes, cars, green fields, girls. But to no avail. I kept dreaming of this same problem over and over again. I have been told stress triggers such events or inadequacy. Could be. Either way it was interesting, to be in a situation where you couldn't will your way out. Normally I have a lot of control on the direction of my dreams. Still fun is fun, in either shape and size. Now that I think About it dreaming is a completely weird experience. Can't wait for the next one.