Friday, November 21, 2008

Paradigm Shift

Ran across an interesting article about tech that did nto or has not causght on by the guys over at Extremetech. It got me thinking about the idea of a paradigm shift. It is often said that we "live in interesting times". In fact I belive that if one looks closely then any time and every time is interesting in that change is occuring. But when does the change reach a critical mass of sorts. when does a paradigm shift for one or two people reach enough to cause a change.
The reason I write this is because, as I have posted before, I own a Zune and I have started to notice that people, at least those in the tech circle are at least talking about it and more so than I used to previously pick up in web chatter (always wanted to use that word). Is that a move towards some sort of social acceptance. How do societies accept ideas of trends. Is it more akin to the propogation of a virus spreading from people to people or it is an entirely different process. Not really sure. I guess time will tell if the Zune has got legs or not. I still find it to be a superior experience to my old iPod but that is besides the point. What I am more interested in is how ideas are created and transmitted.

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