Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Blessed are the Ignorant

We have all heard it before; "ignorance is bliss". The ignorant man has one huge advantage over others; he is free of angst. Why? Well that should be the topic of another post. But the idea I am going to talk about here is the thought of those people who jeer, sneer and mock others. They do so to make fun of others but also to point out to others that they themselves are quite good at doing something. Case in point, a person in a restaurant is using all the table utensils properly. He notices someone else, not displaying proper manners and this ignorant peasant is enjoying himself. Now my feeling is that Mr. Proper is upset that he himself is behaving so well, and no one is noticing his superb behavior. So to get noticed, he has to act all haughty and superior, only so as to have the acknowledgement of another sentient that a person with manners is better than a person without manners.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Hiatus: gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break. That is what is in store for this blog as I plan to be moving around for the next month or two. Still I plan to post regularly, and post I shall.